Spline-Mesh Cable Tool

All the cabling and tubing (not the piping)  in this scene was initially built with the spline-mesh tool.

All the cabling and tubing (not the piping) in this scene was initially built with the spline-mesh tool.

Breach Spline-mesh Cable Tool Demo

Example of a spline-mesh based tool I built for laying out cables and tubing for the environment team at QC Games during the production of Breach.

Using this tool allowed artists to layout cables live in the environments they were working on. The meshes for the tube/cable and end caps were able to be swapped out, and the caps were able to be turned off if the artist didn't need them. This allowed this tool to be used for all the cables that were laid out in the propping of our levels. Once the artist was happy, they would then export the mesh, combine it in another 3D application, and re-import the final mesh into the scene for optimization purposes.

March 20, 2019